SiteURL - Installation Procedure |
[ Windows | Unix/Linux (X11) | MacOS X ] |
Installation with Set Up program: |
- Windows 95-XP.
- 10 Mb hard disk free, 32 Mb RAM.
- You just have to download the SiteURL Set Up program [SiteURL_10b0_setup.exe], launch it and answer to the few asked questions.
Installation from source distribution: |
- Windows 95-XP
- The Qt/Windows Non-Commercial Edition (version 3.2.1 or above)
- A C++ compiler (like Borland bcc or Microsoft Visual C++ compiler)
- And, of course, the tool necessary to uncompress the SiteURL sources zipped archive (like 7-Zip or UltimateZip)
Note: Trolltech Qt free editions are distributed under open source license for Unix/Linux and MacOS X platforms, but not for Windows platforms, where there exists only a non-commercial edition. The Qt/Windows Non-Commercial Edition is difficult to obtain (as far as I know, it is not downloadable from Trolltech's web site). Personally I got mine on the CD-Rom accompaning the excellent book C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3. |
- Install the required tools mentionned above (if they are not already installed). Notice that after you have installed Qt, you must set some PATH environment variables (see Qt installation documentation for more information).
- Download the SiteURL source distribution [SiteURL_10b0_sources.zip], and uncompress this archive file under the directory of your choice.
- The uncompressed directory default name is SiteURL-1.0.b.0-Windows. You can rename this directory to a simpler name if you want.
- We will now build the Makefile document with the qmake Qt tool. To do so, open the Windows Command Prompt tool and type the following (assuming that your installation directory is C:\SiteURL\):
cd C:\SiteURL\sources
qmake SiteURL.pro
- You must have now a new document named Makefile in your SiteURL sources directory. To compile the source code and build the SiteURL application, just type:
Or, if you use Visual C++ compiler:
- The installation is now complete. Assuming that you encounter no compilation error, you have now an executable file called SiteURL.exe in your SiteURL sources directory. To launch SiteURL, open it from the Windows explorer.
- Unix or Linux system running X11
- The Qt/X11 Open Source Edition (version 3.2.1 or above)
- And, of course, a C++ compiler (like GNU gcc), GNU make, and the tools necessary to uncompress and unpack the SiteURL sources archive file (like GNU gzip and GNU tar)
- Install the required tools mentionned above (if they are not already installed). Notice that after you have installed Qt, you must set some PATH environment variables (see Qt installation documentation for more information).
- Download the SiteURL source distribution [SiteURL_10b0_sources.tar.gz], and uncompress/unpack this archive file under the directory of your choice (usually /usr/local/src).
To uncompress/unpack the archive file, open and copy it with your graphical desktop manager, or type the following in your shell (assuming that you have downloaded the archive file in the directory /home/user and you want to install SiteURL in the directory /usr/local/src):
cd /usr/local/src
gunzip < /home/user/SiteURL_10b0_sources.tar.gz | tar xvf -
Note: you may have to be logged as root to write to the /usr/local/src directory.
- You must have now a new directory named SiteURL-1.0.b.0-Unix in your installation directory (/usr/local/src or what ever else directory you have choosed). You can rename this directory or, better, make a symbolic link to this directory with a simpler name.
To make a symbolic link, use your graphical desktop manager, or type the following in your shell:
ln -s SiteURL-1.0.b.0-Unix SiteURL
This lets you refer more easily to the installation directory as /usr/local/src/SiteURL.
- Open the SiteURL sources directory and build the Makefile document with the qmake Qt tool. To do so, type the following in your shell (assuming that you have made a symbolic link as mentionned in step 3):
cd SiteURL/sources
qmake -o Makefile SiteURL.pro
- You must have now a new document named Makefile in the SiteURL sources directory. To compile the source code and build the SiteURL application, just type:
- The installation is now complete. Assuming that you encounter no compilation error, you have now an executable binary file called SiteURL in your SiteURL sources directory. To launch SiteURL, open it from your graphical desktop manager, or type the following:
./SiteURL |
Note for MacOS X users: The MacOS source distribution of SiteURL is provided as is. The author have no Macintosh platform, so the instructions that follow are purely theoric and have never been tested. However, if you are experienced with Qt under MacOS X, you should not encounter any particular problem, since SiteURL works like any other Qt project. If you are not experienced with Qt, I am sorry but I cannot help you more... The MacOS X Qt specialists are welcome to report to the author any issue found in this installation procedure. |
- Install the required tools mentionned above (if they are not already installed). Notice that after you have installed Qt, you must set some PATH environment variables (see Qt installation documentation for more information).
- Download the SiteURL source distribution [SiteURL_10b0_sources.sit], and uncompress this archive file under the directory of your choice (usually /usr/local/src).
- You must have now a new directory named SiteURL-1.0.b.0-MacOS in your installation directory (/usr/local/src or what ever else directory you have choosed). You can rename this directory or, better, make a symbolic link to this directory with a simpler name.
To make a symbolic link, use the Finder, or type the following in the command line shell:
ln -s SiteURL-1.0.b.0-MacOS SiteURL
This lets you refer more easily to the installation directory as /usr/local/src/SiteURL.
- Open the SiteURL sources directory and build the Makefile document with the qmake Qt tool. To do so, type the following in the command line shell (assuming that you have made a symbolic link as mentionned in step 3):
cd SiteURL/sources
qmake -o Makefile SiteURL.pro
- You must have now a new document named Makefile in the SiteURL sources directory. To compile the source code and build the SiteURL application, just type:
- The installation is now complete. Assuming that you encounter no compilation error, you have now an executable binary file called SiteURL in your SiteURL sources directory. To launch SiteURL, open it from the Finder.