SiteURL - Author
Contact the author
If you have comments or suggestions about SiteURL or this web site, or if you want to report a bug, you can send an e-mail to the author at the following address:

etienne at argia dot fr
(don't forget to replace at by "@" and dot by ".")

If you report a bug or error, please mention the version of SiteURL you are running, the version of Qt you have used to build SiteURL, and the platform/operating system you are using.
Who am I ?
My name is Étienne Martin, I'm a free-lance graphical user interface (GUI) engineer and I live near Paris, France. My job consists to conceive, compose, design and develop GUI for web sites and/or desktop applications. Between two missions for my clients, I spend my time working on open source projects like SiteURL.
Feel free to contact me if you want me to collaborate to your project's user interface.
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